Input your email address below and if valid we'll send you a password reset link.

If you haven't previously used IDA but have an address you can enter that here to get an access link.

An email has been sent to ?.

It contains a link you can use to reset your password.

It expires in 60 minutes so probably best not to go to lunch or to walk the dog.

If you don't get the email ping us on slack at #team-tech.

< Login

Enter your new password below.It needs to be at least 8 characters and must include a number.

Our recommendation is to join 2 simple words and add a number. E.g. GreenDesert74

*GreenDesert74 is a nerdy password if you get the reference but we haven't used it for anything so don't bother looking for back doors. And no, it's not a reference to 74 Kings - Green Desert Jesus.
Your password has been reset.

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